Certain personalities in Israel seem to embody, more than any other, a phallic personality structure (from Greek and Latin, "to swell"), thus posing a significant threat to both the society and the state.
The American psychiatrist of Jewish origin, Edmund Jacobson – known for developing the first scientifically based relaxation therapies – explained that some individuals derive self-confidence primarily by satisfying their inherent phallic desire for omnipotence. Since true omnipotence is unattainable, their self-esteem inevitably falls short of expectations. As a result, they develop an obsessive drive to prove their worth.
While ego is essential for progress and achievement, an unchecked ego can override reason, morality, and concern for others. Historically, an inflated phallic ego has contributed to the downfall of civilizations, empires, societies, organizations, and leaders.
People with an inflated ego exhibit grandiosity – manipulative tendencies, and an insatiable thirst for power. These traits are often accompanied by an exaggerated sense of self-importance, a feeling of superiority, and an expectation of special privileges.
When an inflated ego becomes deeply ingrained in one's identity, it fosters overconfidence in personal abilities – even when lacking the necessary capabilities and skills – leading to an overestimation of accomplishments and social contributions.
This distortion of self-perception affects decision-making, often resulting in reckless behavior or excessive risk-taking. Individuals with such an ego may overreact to situations or engage in impulsive actions without proper calculation.
An inflated ego manifests in a constant need for admiration and validation, an unwillingness to listen to others, an inability to accept criticism, and an insatiable drive for competition. Even trivial situations are perceived as a "zero-sum game," where any loss – no matter how minor – is seen as a personal failure.
A lack of empathy is another hallmark of this trait, leading to difficulties in both personal and professional relationships. Arrogance and an absence of compassion create barriers to meaningful connections and constructive collaboration.
When a person with this personality structure ascends to a position of power – armed with excessive ambition but lacking the substance to justify it – the cost is borne by all. Ultimately, the greatest responsibility lies with those who enabled such a figure to attain influence, for, as the saying goes, "Nullum crimen sine culpa (there is no crime without guilt."